Illegal immigration problem bursting at the seams

An investigation by the Immigration Reform Law Institute found that over 1.7 million illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico living in the United States have been ordered removed or have pending final orders of removal, but are still living here.

  “Among the roughly 12 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States, we have a population greater than the City of Philadelphia’s that has been ordered removed or has pending final removal orders—from Central America and Mexico alone. Instead of taking on more aliens from caravans, our country should expedite the removal of those who have already received due process and been given removal orders.” 

At the southern border thousands of migrants continue to appear, claiming asylum.

“Once released, asylum seekers receive work permits while their often-meritless claims go through the backlogged immigration court system, which often delays hearings for years. Last year, nearly half of the completed asylum cases that involved aliens who claimed credible fear resulted in the alien failing to appear in court or file an application for asylum. Before 2013, around 1 in every 100 arriving aliens claimed credible fear and sought asylum, but today, that number has spiked to 1 in 10 as a result of encouragement and coaching by unscrupulous anti-borders groups.”

Read the full release here:‘Bursting-at-the-Seams’-from-Illegal-Immigration